Description for file sdss-ukidss-sample.fits (binary-format table) Data selection and derived parameters are described in detail by Baldry, Sullivan, Rani & Turner (2021) Title: Compact galaxies and the size-mass galaxy distribution from a colour-selected sample at 0.04 < z < 0.15 supplemented by ugrizYJHK photometric redshifts. These data, in the fits file, are restricted to 0.002 < z < 0.35 to give 231044 galaxies i.e. larger than the range used for the main results of the paper. In this range, the simple stellar mass estimates are approximately valid. Some visual cleaning has taken place but only for compact galaxies in the range 0.04 < z < 0.15. To select sample of 164 compact galaxies highlighted in paper. 0.04 < z_cmb < 0.015 & logSig1pt5 > 10.5 & smass > 10.0 Columns: OBJID SDSS objid from DR14 query RA J2000 coordinate DEC J2000 coordinate Z_CMB CMB-frame redshift ZETAERR nominal error in ln(1+z), similar to Delta z/(1+z), see paper for photo-z method TYPE type=1 spec-z SDSS, type=2 spec-z 2MRS, type=3 photo-z (this paper) R_PETRO MW extinction-corrected Petro mag R_CMODEL MW extinction-corrected cmodelmag I_CMODEL MW extinction-corrected cmodelmag SIZE_R r-band half-light semi-major axis in arcsec (geometric mean of deV and exp profiles) SIZE_I i-band half-light semi-major axis in arcsec (geometric mean of deV and exp profiles) SIZE_KPC half-light semi-major in kpc, mean of r- and i- bands MEAN_AB axis ratio, mean of r- and i- bands SMASS log stellar mass, using simple observed g-i + i_cmodel formula, see paper LOGSIG1PT5 log Sigma_{1.5} as per Barro et al. but using r_maj, see paper MAG_{U,G,R,I,Z} SDSS model magnitudes, scaled to a 1.4-arsec radius aperture using the i-band profile fits, MW extinction corrected, a value of 3 is used to indicate bad data. MAG_{Y,J,H,K} UKIDSS apermag4, 1.4-arsec radius aperture, MW extinction corrected, converted to AB magnitudes, a value of 3 is used to indicate bad or missing data.